Dear Mom, I'm still alive, and over the past month, I've been able to visit some of Beijing's most famous historical landmarks.
Tiananmen Square is named for the "Gate of Heavenly Peace" that separates the north edge of the square from the former imperial palace (aka the Forbidden City). In addition to being the entrance to the palace and the center of Beijing, it also serves as the capital of China. It's like the National Mall in Washington, D.C., except all the buildings were built by either emperors or communists.
China's capital building.
The Gate of Heavenly Peace...
...featuring the one, the only, former Chairman of the Communist Party, MAO ZEDONG!!!!!!!
You can actually go see Chairman Mao's body in this mausoleum.
We decided to go to the Imperial Palace instead.
Inside the Forbidden City. |
Hello, Caitlyn Sutherlin, are you reading this? In Beijing, they have a temple dedicated to Llamas!
Just kidding. The Lamas temple - one "L" - is a Buddhist temple in Northwestern Beijing.
(For people who don't know, my friend Caitlyn is/was obsessed with Llamas.)
Anyway, on to pictures...
Incense burning. |
Buddhist prayer wheels. |
Ancient Buddhist scroll.
"Who you lookin' at?" |
Reading, if you're into that. |
Built over more than a thousand years, the Great Wall is (I'm so sorry for this) a HUGE and BEAUTIFUL wall - or rather, a complex network of walls - built to protect the northern border of China. Unfortunately, *clears throat* THE WALL FAILED TO PROVIDE BORDER SECURITY, as many militaries throughout history, including the Mongols, succeeded in overcoming the wall and crossing into China. You know, just saying.
I wanted to run through the foam pit but was told I didn't have time.
The wall is on top of a mountain. So lots of stairs were climbed... |
But the views were worth it! |
Making friends... |
They have this toboggan slide thing where you ride a little cart down the from the wall to the mountain base. |
AND OF COURSE, I RODE IT! The best part of the whole trip, obviously. |
And finally...
There's an Adidas store in Beijing with a robot whose sole (get it?) purpose in life is to spin around this shoe. |
Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks for reading; you've given me a great excuse to put off my Chinese homework for two hours.
I love you, Mom,
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